HSE course for members of the working environment committee - HMS-kurs for ledere og verneombud

Obligatory HSE course for members of the working environment committee (arbeidsmiljøutvalg).

Section 7-4 of the Working Environment Act states that members of the Working Environment Committee must have the same training as safety representatives. This means that members of the AMU (Working Environment Committee) can also complete shorter HSE training, as § 3-19 of the Regulation on organisation, management and participation says.

The HSE course for the Working Environment Committee is based on the same reading as the safety representative course and provides sufficient training in relation to the legal requirements.

Course details

Price: 1990 kr. ex. VAT
  • Audience: Members of the working environment committee
  • Type: Online
  • Prerequisites: None
  • Internal control system: 12 mnd free access
  • Also available in : Norsk, Polski
  • Rating: (4,6/5)
Start the Course

Steps to complete:

  1. Select a suitable business sector
  2. Read the course material
  3. Take the test
  4. Fill in personal information, and submit
  5. You'll receive an email with invoice.
  6. Pay the invoice either by bank og online (card)
  7. Once paid, we'll issue the Certificate

See video